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15 Best Home Remedies for Skin Rashes

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15 Best Home Remedies for Skin Rashes

Home Remedies For Skin Rashes

Rashes on the skin can be quite bothersome: you may feel itchy and irritable, your kin may turn red, and there could be bumps or other changes in the skin’s appearance. They are unsightly, and in some cases, could be indicative of some medical problem. They not only stop you from looking good, but they also don’t let you feel good!

Rashes are generally caused by:

  1. Allergies – insect bites, plants, certain foods
  2. Eczema
  3. Psoriasis
  4. Irritation from certain soaps, shampoos, moisturizers or cosmetics
  5. Excessive sweating
  6. Acne
  7. Bacterial, viral or fungal infections.

Whenever you buy beauty products online, be sure to check the ingredients for stuff you are allergic to. Most rashes can be safely treated at home; some of these remedies have been used for centuries. However, it would be wise to consult a doctor to rule out any underlying medical condition. You should especially see a doctor if your rashes persist for several days in spite of home remedies.


Turmeric has got numerous health benefits – when consumed as well as when applied topically. Turmeric contains potent bio-active compounds which have anti-oxidant, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, and anti-inflammatory properties that promote skin repair. Turmeric can be mixed with a little gram flour and curd or fresh milk cream and applied to the affected area. Leave it on for at least 30 minutes, and wash off thoroughly. Take care to wash it off properly, as turmeric tends to stain everything yellow. You can also drink hot milk with half a teaspoon of turmeric in it; add a pinch of black pepper to increase the absorption of curcumin – the anti-oxidants and healing properties of curcumin can help ease the discomfort and inflammation of your skin rashes, and can also help restore the skin’s original color.

Aloe Vera

Gibberellins and oxins present in aloe vera make it a powerful anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant plant; it has several benefits for skin, air and even for respiratory health. If you have an aloe plant at home, simply cut off a leaf, cut off the outer covering, and scoop out the flesh inside. You can grind it to a paste.

  • Apply on face and leave overnight to treat acne; mix honey and cinnamon to use as a face pack to keep acne away for a longer period
  • Mix the paste with sugar and coconut oil to make your own scrub, but exfoliate after your rashes are gone to try and prevent future rashes
  • Mix with tea tree oil and use as cleanser for acne prone skin
  • Anti-allergic properties of aloe vera can help treat rashes caused by psoriasis and eczema; applying aloe paste to the affected areas can help reduce redness and itching
  • If you have no access to the plant, you can also buy aloe vera gel online

Olive Oil

Rich in vitamin E and antioxidants, olive oil promotes skin healing, minimizes itching, and helps soothe irritated skin.

  • Extra virgin olive oil can be combined with a little honey to provide relief to symptoms associated with skin rashes. You can apply this a few times in a day
  • Mix olive oil with a little turmeric to promote quicker healing of skin inflammation


Oatmeal can help alleviate irritation and inflammation of the skin thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties. Oatmeal is especially useful in helping to soothe skin allergies and rashes caused by insect bites, sunburn, eczema, and poison ivy.

  • Grind oatmeal finely and mix in your bath water (warm) and soak in it for 15-20 minutes
  • Mix oatmeal and yogurt or curd in equal quantities, add a dash of honey and apply on the rashes, especially the ones on your face

Baking Soda

Baking Soda

Yes! IT may come as a surprise to you, but baking soda is also useful as a home remedy for several things. It can help soothe itchy, inflamed skin and to dry up rashes.

  • Add one spoon of baking soda to three spoons of water and apply on the affected area every day
  • You can also mix baking soda and coconut oil
  • Do not leave baking soda on a skin for more than 30 minutes

Cold Compress

A cold compress is one of the easiest and safest of home remedies for skin rashes. It is beneficial for soothing rashes caused due to insect bites, shingles, poison ivy, or simply, heat. A cold compress can help reduce swelling, itching, and inflammation, and especially so if blisters are beginning to form.

  • Put a few ice cubes in a cloth, zip lock bag or ice pack, and rub the affected area for about 10 minutes. Avoid rubbing ice directly on the skin.



Neem – also known as Indian lilac or margosa – is a wonder plant with innumerable benefits for not just the skin, but your overall health and immunity. It can be applied topically and consumed as well – though most people hesitate to consume it because of its extreme bitter taste. Neem is known to have anti-inflammatory, analgesic, anti-irritant, antiviral, antifungal and antibacterial properties, and can be used to treat eczema, scabies, proriasis, rashes, acne and bacterial infections. It also helps to revitalize skin cells.

  • You can add neem leaves to your warm bath water
  • Grind neem leaves into a paste and apply to the affected area
  • Boil neem leaves in water, and allow to cool. Soak cotton pads or balls in the solution and keep on an affected area
  • You can also buy neem creams or ointments online


Calendula has long been used for its soothing properties and is an ingredient in several skin ointments. It is great for helping to soothe rashes, irritated skin, eczema, ulcers, bruises, and dry skin, as it has powerful antiviral, antifungal, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.

  • Add a few drops of calendula oil to warm bath water and soak in it for 10-15 minutes
  • Apply calendula ointment to the affected area and leave on; repeat twice a day

Apple Cider Vinegar

To treat skin rashes, you need to use raw, organic apple cider which is labeled ‘with the mother’. This is an unfiltered product that contains enzymes, protein strands, and friendly bacteria. Apple cider vinegar has acetic acid, which helps treat skin infections and allergies.

  • Simply dip cotton balls in this vinegar and apply on the rashes.


Chamomile is a flower that is widely used as a de-stressor and is usually available as an herbal tea. It helps to calm you down; often skin problems, especially breakouts, can be caused by stress.

  • Drink a couple of cups of chamomile tea a day to relax
  • Use a chamomile cleansing creme if you’re prone to acne
  • Soak a cotton pad in chamomile tea and place on the affected area
  • Mix with olive or coconut oil and apply on those angry bumps


Calamine is a wonderful remedy for skin rashes; it is super easy to use, and it is wonderful for soothing irritated, itchy, inflamed skin. Just open a bottle of Calamine lotion and apply it liberally wherever you have rashes. Calamine helps in treating with allergic rashes, psoriasis, eczema and reactions to itchy plants, and cools the skin as it evaporates from the skin. It has a tendency to color everything pink – so be careful not to get it on your clothes.



Best known for its fragrance, lavender oil also has healing properties; it not only helps soothe irritated skin but can even help reduce the pain caused by skin inflammation due to rashes. lavender oil mixed with almond oil can be massaged onto the rash affected skin to relieve tissue swelling, pain, and itching. Keep it overnight for maximum effect – not to mention that you’ll have fragrant skin!

Use a Humidifier

Rashes are often caused by dry skin; if you’re very prone to rashes, use a humidifier when you sleep at night to prevent your skin from completely drying out. A humidifier adds a little moisture to the air in the room where it runs.

Hydrocortisone Cream

Hydrocortisone Cream

Some rashes and itchy skin may need something stronger than mild herbal remedies – troublesome rashes call for hydrocortisone cream. Apply the cream to your rashes if the itchiness won’t go away in spite of trying different remedies.

Change your diet

You may have a food allergy – through a trial and error method, find out which food causes breakouts. The usual culprits are chocolate, gluten (wheat products), nuts, eggs, shellfish, dairy, soy; certain fruits and seeds can also cause allergic reactions. Try eliminating one food group one week at a time to understand what you’re allergic to.

So there is none who doesn't love good shin and flawless beauty. Now, this has been made very easy in a matter of few clicks. Now you can buy skin care products online India from My Beauty Bazaar, who have an unlimited range of all kinds of beauty care, skin care, baby care and many more from all major and leading international brands. Explore the endless array and find those that best suite you and your loved ones.


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