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Top 6 Hair Care Tips for Straightened Hair

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Top 6 Hair Care Tips for Straightened Hair

Let’s face it, ladies: we’re never really satisfied with the hair we have; those with straight hair long for curls, and those with curly hair dream of straight locks – well a good percentage of us!

More and more women and even many men, are turning to permanent straightening methods so that they don’t have to deal with the daily frizz, knotted hair, and humidity. Straight hair has also been made popular by glamorous stars like Jennifer Aniston (Rachel of ‘Friends’ TV show), Deepika Padukone, Katrina Kaif, and more. Salons are busy performing smoothening, keratin treatments and so on. Of course, the new hair that emerges still comes out curly, so if you want real permanent straight hair, you may need a straightening session every 6-8 month, depending on the growth and intensity of curling.

Straight hair is easier to manage, undoubtedly, but when you have artificially straightened it, it needs a great deal of care. If you are not careful, you could end up losing a lot of hair; after all, many chemicals are used on your hair to make it straight. Let’s look at some simple yet effective tips for straightened hair.

  1. Avoid Heat And Heating Products

    tips for straightened hair

    The most important tips for straightened hair that you must always remember is that you should not further use any heat heat or heating products as your hair has already been through a lot of trauma – harsh chemicals, ironing, etc. The last thing you want to do is stress it more. So avoid using hot irons like the plague; if you must use a dryer on your wet hair, make sure you use the cold setting. When you shower, do not use hot water; cold or lukewarm water are your best options.

  2. Condition Daily, But Use Shampoo Sparingly

    You may have fallen for the extra hydrating, moisturizing, etc. spiel where shampoos are concerned, but trust me, keep the shampooing to a minimum – use it just once or twice a week at the most. However, a daily dose of conditioner will lend shine and lustre to your hair. Oiling your hair is also a good idea – and you can warm the oil before application. Almond, olive, coconut and neelibhringadi are the best oils for hair growth and shine.

  3. Protect Hair from the Elements

    tips for straightened hair

    When you’re going out in the sun, make sure you cover up – a hat, stole, scarf, or even an umbrella. Not only will you protect your face from the harsh UV rays, you can also protect your hair from its effects. Sun can damage your chemically treated hair, just as it can damage your skin.

  4. Snip It Off Frequently

    Straightened hair is highly susceptible to split ends – and so you should make sure that you trim your hair once every 4-6 weeks. This tip for straightened hair will keep your hair looking healthy and sharp throughout.

  5. Choose your Hair Products Carefully

    That includes shampoos, conditioners, serums, sprays and so on. Look for shampoos and conditioners meant especially for straightened, chemically treated, or damaged hair. Regenerative, anti-frizz etc. are all your hair’s best friends. Schwarzkopf, Wella, and L’Oreal have shampoos and conditioners specifically for straightened hair. Dove’s regenerative repair shampoo is rich in polysaccharides, which keeps hair soft and hydrated. Body Shop has mild, organic products free of harsh chemicals, parabens etc, including scrubs, shampoos and conditioners, that can help maintain treated hair in a healthy condition. You can also use products like Kirkland minoxidil India that promote hair growth.

  6. Always Comb before you Brush

    Always Comb before you Brush

    It’s important that you lay your hands on a good wide-toothed comb and run it through your hair. Untangle any locks, and after that, gently brush your hair with a good quality brush. This will result in less damage and breakage, and render a glossy, voluminous look to your hair.

Bonus Tip: Get a Hair Spa Treatment

Just like you get facials to keep your skin soft, supple and glowing, it’s very important that you give your hair a nourishing, hydrating, protein rich treatment at a good salon. A hair spa is indulgence for your hair that helps to minimize hair fall, keep it soft, shiny and prevents it from drying out. We recommend that you get a hair spa once in 30 days for silky, lustrous locks.

Food for your Hair:

After all, you are what you eat! Here’s a list of foods that you need to consume to ensure hair health:

  1. Eggs – contain protein and biotin
  2. Fatty fish like salmon, mackerel (omega-3 fatty acids)
  3. Berries – contain vitamin C and antioxidants
  4. Sweet potatoes – beta carotene
  5. Avocadoes – vitamin E and healthy fats
  6. Nuts like almonds, walnuts, macadamia nuts contain zinc, vitamins and fatty acids
  7. Seeds like flax and chia – contain vitamin B, fatty acids, Vitamin E, Zinc, and Selenium
  8. Spinach and other leafy veggie – contain folate, iron, Vitamin A and D
  9. Oysters – zinc
  10. Shrimp – contain protein, B vitamins, zinc, iron and vitamin D

So go ahead – straighten out those frizzy curls if you want to, and keep this handy guide - Tips for Straightened Hair, with you to get the maximum bang for your buck.


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